
Thursday, April 7, 2016

good by

i just want to go on record i do love +krissy lynn  and my mother with all my hart.

but i think i gave the city what they wanted just to end the herassment they are doing to me - now i will be either in jail or a nut farm - i hope to return here some day but i doubt i ever will - the city wants to take what life i ever had and trash it for some reason - i think all i had to do was say Glen's name again - like that is growns for locking me up - all well = i will miss you all badly - krissy please keep track on my mother Darnell K. Leonadr and help her if you can keep a roof over her head - i have no idea where they are going to live now - if i am right the city will not help my folks out for any reason.

the funny thing is i am a nobody why they wasted all this time on me i have no idea.

good by all.

it was nice meeting you +Boston BB

i left instructions that if my books ever get published to give my share of the profits to my mother and if she refuses to take it to give them to the homeless in New York - +krissy lynn  has been helping me co-write them and now its up to her if Phobia - Phobius to Phobia ever gets published - i believe it will.

in any event i am not talking about this again - what ever happens happens - personally i hope the herassment ends one way or the other.

please note thanks to the city i got spywhere in my computer system and well because of that never talk to me in the future again about shady deals - like some of you have done in the past or you might find a cop on your door step.

and the love i spoke of about +krissy is on a brotherly sisterly basic.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

i believe

i believe that +krissy lynn  is correct - in order to understand love one must understand one's own self and love one's self first - in my case i have done a gate many things that i am very proud of and just as many things i wished i never thought of - love can be a blessing or a cures or both at the same time.

to truly love someone you first have to realize that your not on this world to apes others, do what you have to in order to survive and make no excuses for your actions = if the action is just and for the better good then others should except it so long as it doesn't hut or harm any others.

a person that respects life doesn't make excuses for that in which he lives - a godly amount of others believe that just because they wouldn't do something it must be wrong when someone actually does do them - the truth is nothing that can save lives and nothing that can better ones own life or better that of others or better yet better that lives of others while bettering your own is wrong.

true respect comes into play when people don't tell others what to do or how to do it = love comes in time - a stranger can date another stranger and see that they really do fit into one unity in much the same way one can date someone they grow up with thinking they have a lot in common only to learn in the end they can't really get along.

love is universal and love is unconditional, there is no other form of love = respect comes when people treat each other right and not in any other way.

to share one's live with someone is a very special thing = to share one's belief is common = but what is more common is to try to force others to do as you yourself wouldn't want to do.

some do that and say its for the better good like in my case - i got nerve damage and the doctors refuse to let me work and then they believe by making me sit on my ass day in and day out that i will live a longer life which isn't totally true for one does need exercise to stay fit.

and then the doctors aren't right all the time like in Randy's Dansby's case ( my older brother )
he had leukemia  the doctors he had said there was no cure known to man yet and none was distend to be discovered for years to come, that had happened in the early 80's he passed as many of you know from several of my earlier blogs but what people may not actually know about is with in a few short months maybe one year or two after he passed they announced they had found the cure for what he had.

i for one believe that i should be able to work sense i got two good arms and two working legs - that is about all i really need to make a living but the doctors disagree with me on that.

so i have to ask with so many people forcing so many people to do things that they wouldn't do otherwise how can on truly love themselves when they are forced to do things they don't want to do?

the problem is the actions of others does some times play apart on each persons own actions - in fact in my exasperating of life i had noticed that for every action some one has made on me has caused a reaction by me and some reactions are long term actions and stick around for long times.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

i love society

from day one i always wanted to change my name never had the money.

i always wanted just a small peace of land never had the money.

i would love to eat out once in awhile i still haven't got the money.

there are many things that i would love to get or do but as always i never had the money.

i'm sure most people feel the same way as i do which is to say currency is the embodiment of pure evil but yet people world wide still worship currency with all its joy.

people can't ever go by the name they themselves choose with out having to pay a couple of hundred dollars for the privilege = people are striving on the street, people have no home and people has no medical, all in the name of currency and what is currency really.

lets annualized that a bit.

money can be a single sheet of colored paper, it can be just a simple piece of mettle - what makes it a valued item = just the fact that people mine gold, silver, copper and things like that and use that to back up the so called currency.

well to my knowledge about all gold is wroth in reality is maybe a few pennies, it can be used for jewelry it can be used to decorate things and yah its a gorgeous mineral but it has very few uses.

the same with silver - in fact the only thing that makes them worth anything is the fact that they are suppose to be rear - and that is why people fought and died over owning it - lol - leave it to  man to fight over a useless peace of rock - because that is all it really is.

like it or not i have a aviation to worshiping something that people can't really use and that is just the truth,

so again i have to say i love society they sure love to make a big deal out of nothing at all.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

the fear is gone

the worrying is over the book has arrived where i sent it and now i got more hope then i ever did - maybe my life can take a turn for the best now and i can once again be happy - its been much too long sense i had a really good reason too smile - i admit finding my races writing did help me on to that path though = as Spock always says = live long and prosper.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I'm reaching panic mod again - my books are in a fed x truck or plain somewhere and they are late for delivery - if they arrive then all is good and cool but if they end up lost then that means i lost over 10 years of my life trying to be a writer - god i hope and pray they show up at +krissy lynn  place tomorrow before i start to panic if they don't that will mean they are two days late.

i don't have a second copy for most of it either.

as i was

as i was growing up i had the grate idea to do my part for my country so i went to the Main FBI offices in Colorado on the 13th floor of the federal building = at the time i was 9 years old and i wanted to work for them = the nice friendly man smiled and simply told me to come back when i graduated school = back them my hearing was 15 times better then it is now and right now my hearing is good enough for me to hear a pen drop in the next room on a carpet - right now i am very assailable to the higher sound and lower sounds around me - according to the hearing doctor i seen about 5 or 10 years ago - but i have been slowly losing my hearing over the course of time too, so who really knows where it is at now - personally i don't really care as long as i can still hear what is going on around me when it comes to my hearing i am in fact going to be happy.

if the FBI back then would have tested me on my abilities then life might have been very different now but hind sight is twenty twenty and not worth stressing over in the current time.

i still have the appulaction in my collectible toats somewhere.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


lol i just found out minimal wage in Oregon was raised to 15 dollars an hour.
 before i got put on disability i earned like 7 an hour and that was like getting 2 or 3 dollars more then minimal wage back then - when i got put on disability i got one third of what i was bringing in a year at that time and that is where i stand now = that means that still being on disability like i am and still getting that amount yearly i am now earning less then 2 % of what i was earning back then now - good god one just has to love the good old America and its government = right?