
Thursday, February 18, 2016

this is a test

LOL so true
Age 0 to 4
trust breath; first smack; first liquid diet.
Interdiction to adoring, overbearing adults in general, family in Particular.
5 to 12
avoidance learning; chores, homework, dentists, visiting cheek pinching relations.
13 to 19
confusion period; the art of confusing everyone least those tuned into the “language” ( teenlingo, similar to understanding, therefor undecipherable ultra Galactic planet 90 millions light years away).
20 to whatever
coping era; taxes, voting, number accumulations ( social security, drivers, license, change cards ) hair loss, teeth displacement; did i mention taxes?
middle age spread; realization years teens speak some really foreign lingo you can’t understand.
this has been a test!
had this been an actual life, you would have been issued an instruction manual complete with index and cross references supplements.
all un-necessary experiences would have been deleted and all potential hazards would have been blacked out.

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