well right now i can't really think of anything too write about, so i'll say this;
1. when you look at life with renewed eyes, everything looks like its part of a world of wounder!
2. take life at face value and don't plan ahead, that way your calender is always open and if something doesn't pan out you wont be too disappointed!
3. if you treat everyone including you enemies equally then its likely that you will get further in life, people are more likely willing to work with you and at least talk to you.
and it shows people just who is really more adult then who.
4. don't be afraid to get on your knees too play with kids, they will love you for it and the rewords are grate in the now and future.
5. look at all religions and see the truth, they are all more or less the same, just worded differently! and therefor they all deserves our respect.
6. life is what you make of it, no mater how good or bad, so try too look at the good in everything and everyone and you will love life more then you can think is possible.
these are just some of the things I have learned in the past they are the driving force behind my personality, the world is full of bad things and it takes real skill to see the good in today's news.
I watch some TV but i prefer the CD's on the radio - music tames the beast in reality, i'm a man out of time, i don't see anything wrong about complementing a lady on her looks, as my family says; " I might be taken but I'm not dead! ".
when one has the outlook of life like i do one tends too be treated strangely but always with respect and the respect is always worth the time it takes to build ones reputation.
reputation is one thing that i like too take seriously, the better the reputation i have the happier i am and too achieve that reputation i always try too help people, no matter where or when or what they need help with, if its something i don't know i chart it down as a lesson to learn, unless its doing something i don't like - like preparing a car, but i will always try to help.
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