the pilot new they had too go to the moon but he didn't know why, in fact none of them did, Mikal went on-board and sat down - he was the last one there and after he fastened his life belt the pilot went into the cockpit.
the trip took them about 6 hours, on the way up there, Mikal open his computer system and started to read the letter he received from the Alliance.
"professor as requested you are now being activated and we need you too come up to the moon ASAP, this is not a drill,
The High Command " is what the not read, somewhat surprised that they would activate him so soon he turned off the computer and sat back looking at the others.
there were well known people there like the head linguistic of the Trojan University and the head of the Rhine University Archaeology department. and several others that he couldn't place.
when they arrived he got up and followed the pilot out off the shuttle, " Mikal " a man in a commanders uniform asked.
"yes and who are you sir?"
"i'm the commander of the bace, names John, the captain asked me too get you! if you will follow me i'll take you too them!"
"yes Admiral Talin is with him!"
"so they found something off world?"
"i don't know - i'm the escort only!"
the went into the the hall, walked to the lift at the fare end and once inside the commander said; "Captains Quarters!"
the doors closed and it started down the shaft, " this lift goes straight to the captains barracks and that is were they are at!" when the doors opened up the commander then said "Mikal is here!"
"come on in, Admiral Talin wants too talk too you?" the captain said as he got onto the lift Mikal step out and the captain said Bridge the doors closed and they were gone.
Talin then said, " have a seat!" as he did Admiral Talin started; " i called you up here too let you know that your services are needed, you leave for the Plaint Uvon tonight, there you will take command of the first Archeologal dig site found off the world from Vytar keep us in formed as too what happens up there, be warned though they have uncovered several traps already!"
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