
Monday, September 30, 2013

wondering about life

the order of nature is you are born, you live a life of - in some cases your own choosing and you die.

all living thing must fallow this order there is no exception to this rule.
one must then ask "what is it that man has to do here on Earth with the time they have ?"

if you ask me i think that the reason why the world was made was not as religion has lead people to believe but rather simple to teach man the lessons of getting along.

we need to make as many friends as we can and live a decent life.

some people learn that lesson while others don't.
life is hard and man with all his improvements made it that much harder.

 with that said i have to ask why with all our intelligence do we as a race have to complicate things even further - there is no need to do such things.

people may not understand life as what it was meant to be but then again maybe the reason why we do the things we do - do is because deep down we do understand and just simple don't agree with it as a whole?

 to most people the lies from others hurt but when people do tell the truth no one wants to lessen to it or the fact that people learned how to lie so well it has imprinted that fact as everyone will lie no mater what the only real question is can man learn to tell the truth about thing and learn that not everyone is a year round lair.

the simple fact is that nature can get along with each other ! why can't man ?

man is too caught up in their own petty business to even think that they might be wrong about life - they care little for others for the most part if they did there would be far less murder in the streets no wars and love world wide - who said the hippy generation was wrong - not me.

picture post

the first photo is Tara TaMiea my little girl and the love of my life - she is a star in my book Phobia and she is a lover.
 the second picture is my mothers cat Sweety - a fearless cat that won a fight with a racoon but died from a toomer this year.
 the third is of roses - planted when we fist moved in to this home - they love the yard as much as we do.
the fourth is a plaque made by my dad for Sweety's grave.
the last is a flower that is called (?)roses they were here before we moved in and ever sense we planted the larger roses they been blooming consistently.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


taken from the Book of Facts
written by Reader's Digest.

the healing Arts

Medicine and surgery were both advanced and respected in Ancient Egypt - so respected that Pharaoh Atothis is supposed to have written a book on anatomy around 3000 BC.
nine medical treatises have survived. one, the oldest surviving book of surgery in the world, contains details of 48 operations, among them trepanning - boring a hole in the skull to relieve pressure on the brain.
Others contain medical advice which is largely based on superstition, but they also list drugs that are still familiar, such as castor oil, sodium bicarbonate and arsenic.
Egyptian doctors even used adhesive plasters on wounds.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Truth what is Fact or Fiction,

Truth what is fact or fiction.

truth - truth is a story that is told by someone the event has happened too.
Fiction - Fiction stories are stories someone tells someone else that can't be proven as fact ( truth ).

in all if the event happened to you and you tell the story as it had happened you are telling the truth - a fact - but to all the people that the story never happened to the stories can only be classified as fiction.

 that is why i never close the door on any subject - i try to research every side of the story until there is no more sides too research, to close the door on anything at anytime means you are not interested in the truth or facts for what can be considered as truth today can be proven wrong tomorrow.

Monday, September 23, 2013

How carbon-14 dating works

Taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest

early archaeologists relied on two major techniques for calculating the age of what they found: the principle of stratigraphy - that the remains of earlier generations are covered over by those of their successors; and comparison of style of, say, pottery to determine whether one influenced and therefor preceded the other.
  In the 1950s, however, a new technique know as radio-carbon- 14 dating came into use.
carbon -14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon present in tiny amounts in the atmosphere.
 Living things such as wood and the bones of living animals absorb this carbon naturally.
But when the tree is cut down or the animal dies, the absorption stops and the level of carbon -14 begins to fall as the isotope decays.

Birth of Mummy

taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest

The word mummy, for the embalmed bodies of Egyptian notables does not come from Egypt, or even the Arab world.
  It is thought to be derived from a Persian word mummia, meaning bitumen' or 'tar'.
 Mummies were so named because ancient peoples who came across the age-blackened corpses believed wrongly that the bodies were a source of  tar.

why Money is Valued

taken from the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest

Money by itself is not wealth, it is a means by which people can exchange goods that do have Value.
while a pile of banknotes is being kept in an attic by a miser and never exchanged for anything, it is worth less than a heap of old rage.
Money is a promise, a piece of trust which is passed from hand to hand and can be stored without perishing.
it has Value only if the trust lasts.
to be trusted, money, it seems must be of limited supply if there is too much, people trust it less. they then want more and more of it in return for goods.
it can become practically worthless, as in times of Chronic inflation. if there is too little then people cannot expand their activities because they cannot find the 'credit' in the form of loans to keep themselves going while they develop new ventures.this can lead to economic depression, or recession, which means not enough things going on, not enough money in peoples pockets to cause 'demand' for goods, and not enough jobs.

My personal Opinion;

  money has always been the cause of wars, Money is more or less worthless without the rear minerals to back it up - but people still make it and die for it - if you don't have it you want it - if you have it you want more - and all it is - is a colored peace of paper.

 credit is an alternative but it still has all the same problems - for me i prefer the barter system - you get something for something - usually work for a roof and food.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

incredible shrinking country

taken from the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest

two disastrous wars and one near-war have cost Bolivia more then half the territory to which it laid clam when it became independent in 1825.
in the1879-83 war of the pacific, Chile annexed Bolivia's pacific seacoast, along with the port of Antofagasta and the neighboring Brazil was narrowly avoided, Bolivia was forced to cede the rubber-producing Acre territory to Brazil finally after the 1932-5 Chaco War with Paraguay, Bolivia lost three quarters of the southern Chaco region which it calmed.
it also abandoned hope of an outlet of its own to the Atlantic along the Paraguay river, at a point where the river is navigable for large vessels.
despite having no coastline, Bolivia still has a nave of some 4000 men.
they are confined, to the calm waters of Titicaca high in the Andes and to rivers on the fringes of the Amazon basin.

country where no one is born

taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest

the smallest independent state in the world is the Vactican City, with a population of about 750 - and a nil birthrate.
its area is 0.44km ( 0.17 square miles ).
the country with the largest area is Russia. it covers 17,075,000km ( 6,590,950 square miles ).
the country with the largest population is china, which in 1992 had nearly 1151 million inhabitants - almost one in four of the world's people.

Friday, September 20, 2013

man's first friend

taken from the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest

man's first friend

the dog is man's oldest as well as his best friend.
the ancient Egyptians used dogs for hunting 8000 years ago, and stone age humans may have had hunting dogs before 10,000BC, the ancestors of the dog were probably the lighter-built southern Asian races of the wolf, but other wolf races may have contributed as well.
about 5000 years ago humans began to develop breeds of dogs in order to encourage different qualities.
last, the short-legged dachshund was bred for hunting badgers, and sheepdogs was bred for its herding abilities.
all dogs - from a Mexican chilhuahua weighing less than 1kg ( 2.2lb ) to a huge st bernard weighing more than 90kg ( 198lb ) - are members of the same species.
in biological terms, this means that any dog can potentially breed with any other dog - although differences in size can make this unlikely in some cases. and despite the long domestication there is no genetic barrier between dogs and wolves, either.

personal opinion;

the fact that man has and is still breading all kinds of animals to make others - they are in my opinion playing god, nature has was of making life happen without the aid of man but man obviously don't think so.

Birth of the mummy

taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest

the word mummy, for the embalmed bodies of Egyptian notables does not come from Egypt, or even from the Arab world. it is thought to derived from a Persian word mummia, meaning 'bitumen' or 'tar'. Mummies were so named because ancient peoples who came across the age - blackened corpses believed wrongly that the bodies were a source of tar.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

a segment from Phobia

A segment from Phobia

Ursa said to the Zane; "Zane Andruin how are you and the family Been?"
"Grate, well maybe not grate but pretty good.  welcome gentlemen. have a seat, this is my son Sidian and I'm Andruin!"
  As they each sat down around the circular table in the hart of the room, Ursa introduced them and apologized for the hasty meeting; "I realized the reason for our asking to see you is quite unusual but we're hoping upon hearing our arguments, you'll agree it's the best course of action to take!"
"Ursa, don't take this the wrong way, but, I think you have spent to much time on that Space station ...... I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I was under the assumption that PASCO dealt with matters concerning space. Although what the Archaeology you mentioned has to do with it has me curious, I fail to understand exactly what it has that involves me.  I probably know less about both of them the majority of the population and at the risk of sounding stupid - what do they have in common?"
  "Lost civilizations, dad, this is why you should have been reading all those articles in the science magazines I have, PASCO has been gearing up to train people on Taganae for exploring other planets as they move outwards into space  AND ...... worlds who's populations have passed out of their existence, to understand who they were, how they lived, where they went and why requires the knowledge of the experts."
   "Wow, I had no idea you know so much about this, Sidian, You present some very good points so far, I'm not sure in what you think I can do to be helpful but its certainly something worthy of attention. Make yourselves comfortable gentlemen we've got a lot of discussing to do!"

 The meeting lasted for several hours with no sign of ending anytime soon.
Each person contributing thoughts and ideas, they talked about Archaeology in general and the valuable information it had provided on the development of the cultures around the planet.  PASCO will need the expertise to gather the same kind of information on far off worlds where the inhabitants cannot speak for themselves.  they went over the current types of equipment and tools and discussed some ideas of yet unknown tools and equipment that would be needed as well as the training the PASCO personnel would require to carry out their mission. when the conversation began to wind down, Zane Andruin sat back in his chair with a thoughtful expression on his face.
   "This has been an interesting discussion. I'm quite impressed, however I missed the part where my help comes in, could someone run it by me again?"
  As the three of them glanced at each other Vytar took in a deep breath and said; "looks like it's my turn to speak, Probably because it's my idea and rather then bore you with a long winded plea. I'll just cut to the point.  these future Archaeologist need intense training to do their job.  while they are learning, they must be as safe as possible. My idea is to use some ready made unknown areas with problems and hazards unforeseen in advance where they can learn to function and do so without dying in the process.  We need access to the Kelmik Regions, all of them, to achieve it.  Further more, I strongly advise Admiral Ursa, PASCO and anyone else involved to engage the services and experties of the best Archeologist in the world to do this training and that's Dathan's Lindaran, Professor at the Karf Mithallis University, I believe I Know for a fact he'd be very willing to sign on!"
    "I know for a fact that he would too Vytar, he not only said he wants in the Kelmik Lands but he has made numerous attempts to sneak in to them, Do brake the news to him gently, I wouldn't want him to go into shock; that should come later when he gets in there and finds whatever he thinks is there.  And Ursa, as a token of my willingness to add your happy group, you may have the pleasure of my sons company, sense I know full well he'll start hounding me for permission to go before you even reach the outer door, also make sure that Professor Dathan knows not to stray away from the main pack - he tends to be a lone wolf when he thinks no one is watching."