all living thing must fallow this order there is no exception to this rule.
one must then ask "what is it that man has to do here on Earth with the time they have ?"
if you ask me i think that the reason why the world was made was not as religion has lead people to believe but rather simple to teach man the lessons of getting along.
we need to make as many friends as we can and live a decent life.
some people learn that lesson while others don't.
life is hard and man with all his improvements made it that much harder.

the simple fact is that nature can get along with each other ! why can't man ?
man is too caught up in their own petty business to even think that they might be wrong about life - they care little for others for the most part if they did there would be far less murder in the streets no wars and love world wide - who said the hippy generation was wrong - not me.
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