from riches to rages.
the princess was engaged to a prince, a wedding she wasn't interested in and so when a chance came up that would give her what she wants she took it.
the man named Gation Gorthan went to a fight, the animal that plagued the empire was a mythological beast called a Tycan, a Tycan is a wolf like dog with a silvery coat of hair.
the only thing that could be done was try to case it off, for nothing ever made has been able too kill one that they knew of.
Gation Gorthan dressed in his suit of steel and grabbed his sword, then joined his team of warriors and set off for the village of Barba.
Barba sat at the outer edge of the empire to the southeast, when they arrived there he talked too the few villagers that clammed to survive the encounter.
they told him that they were at the area called fortress gates - so named because it was the road into the empire from southeastern section of the continent.
they went looking for it in that area, when they found the beast there were ten nights.
swords in hand they fought the beast, one by one the beast killed them, seven of them died that day, Gation lost his sword in the fight the beast was too close too it for him too get it back so he simply did what his grandfather told him too do.
he grabbed a long tree branch that had broke of a near by tree and was laying on the ground.
the knights must have hit the beast a hundred times with there swords and nothing happened, there wasn't even a scratch on the beasts skin.
as the two remaining knight kept the beasts attention, Gation drove the tree branch into the right eye of the beast, killing it insistently.
as is the custom of the empire - Gation and the two other remaining knights dearied there dead, then carried the beast back too the village to eat.
it took them three days to figure out how to skin the beast, metal just would not do anything too its skin.
in frustration he grabbed that tree branch again and stabbed the beast in the chest, the wood branch sailed into the beast quickly and smoothly.
they old saying and the reason one why they ate whatever they killed is; " if you eat the dead you become part of it! "
the villagers felt insensible because of that not too mention homered by the nights.
when they got back with the story for the kings family, Gation Gorthan became a hero of the empire, now the laws of marring any of the princesses are - " either you have to be royalty or a hero "
the princess announced that her wedding was off with the prince of the other lands, a move that upset her father, but made both the prince of the neighboring nation and her sister happy.
one by one the family tried too talk since into her, she just wasn't lessening to them.
finally Gation said he would try to talk to her to.
" why did you call off the wedding?"
"i don't love him and it paves way for my sister to marry him in three years, they love each other!"
"but what about the union of the Alliance?"
"it can wait for a few years!"
"Ok, who do you love? the empire needs an hear!"
"my sister can provide that, for once, i want what i want!"
"and what's that?"
"to be advridge!"
"but your not advridge!"
"no but i could be with your help!"
"come again!"
"you are advridge and you are a hero, if you and i marry then i would be advrige too!"
"i have nothing too offer you for one thing!"
"but my father would take care of that!"
"i'm hardly around!"
"but my family will be all i need, if i marry a hero then i take his states at home but retain my relationship with my family too, i could visit them when i'm lonely!"
"you know what you are asking?"
"yes! i will grow on you, you might even love me in the end!"
"but i do love you - just not in that way!"
"but you could given some time!"
"your father would give me a cassel to!"
"not if you put restrictions on him, he has been trying to marry me off for years now, he would except then just so i would get married!"
"what type of restrictions do you have in mind dear!"
"that sounded good, well for one thing you can tell him that you would except a pay raise but only if its the same as any other knight, two; you would except an estate but only a modest one, what you have done for the nation he would be more will to give you anything you want then you think and that includes me!"
"i'll try, but this is just for you!"
she jumped up and started hopping in place saying " yes, yes, yes!"
he walked out of the room and asked to see the King, she must have been right about that because the king took him right in, the king was talking too the ambassador of the nation that the princess was suppose to marry the prince in.
he told the king and the ambassador what the princess had to say that is everything but the conditions he knew that for the conditions to work he had to keep that part too himself.
"are you interested?"
"yes but under conditions!"
"what conditions?"
he gave the conditions that the princess gave him to the king, he sold them as his idea.
they all talked for about two hours, finnally, the king said that the villagers of Barba was starting too act like the ruled the empire and he would agree too all the terms if he would go to that village and take control as a duke of the district.
he agreed and the next day both the ambassador and him left he went to the village to get thing set up and the ambassador went to his embassy.
the princess made the announcement and he supported it just before he left.
he found a nice twenty five accer lot and built a nice log cabin there - that became known as the dukes estate.
after a few days passed he went back too the plaice married her and took her to there new home for life, the gifts were modest to.
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