
Saturday, August 10, 2013

In memory of Randy Dansby

my brother Randy Dansby

1. Randy would "create" milk shakes of various flavors and had me ( Ronny ) taste them to see if they were good.
2. Randy drew "underdog" on a sheet of paper @ ran 100 copies of it at Children's Hospital which were given to classmates of mying  ( Ronny ) in the 1st grade as "special rewards" for good work - which was like putting a star on their papers. ( that worked for everyone except me sense i lived with him and got his drawing all the time anyway ).
3. Randy received a motorized "motorcycle" when he was 5 from Santa and he took it everywhere with me ( Ronny ), who was 2 1/2 years old, on the back, and our dog, Fancy ( a toy poodle ) along side.
one day Randy got angry at mom and took me ( Ronny ) @ Fancy on the motorcycle to grandma's house - 2 blocks away and told her mom was mean and we ( Randy and me ) moved to her house.  after she gave them cookies - they ( Randy and I ) came home - both were tired and wanted to play with our toys @ had forgotten we were mad at mom @ had moved away.

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