taken from the book of facts by Reader's Digest
In order to boost trade between Egypt and the Persian gulf, Darius 1 ordered the construction of a canal linking the Nile and the red sea.
in fact, this predecessor of the Suez canal had been started in around 600 BC by the Egyptian pharaoh Necho, but it was abandoned when only half completed.
Darius's workers began completing the canal in about 500 BC and finished the job a few years later, setting up five inscribed stelae - stone slabs - of which four survived.
Darius's canal - which ran along a course similar to the modern Suez Canal, from the Nile Delta through the Britter lake to near the port of Suez - remained in more or less regular use until the 8th century AD.
Then part of it was blocked for military reasons - anticipating the similar closures of the Suez Canal in 1956 and by 12 centuries.
this site is just like WordPress that is its a collection of writings and stories and feeling that i had in the past, now in the present and will have in the future.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Blogging and my Writtings
this post is to tell people that i got a second blog - this one is through WordPress - and the WordPress blog will be the blog i will use to make entries about my writings ( the stories i'm writings )
According to Greek myth, Pandora was the first women.
She was sent to the rebellious Titans on earth by Zeus as a punishment for man kind for obtaining fire from Prometheus.
she was given a box to take with her, with instruction not to open it.
because she was curious she disobeyed, Open the box and all the evils of the world flew out.
Only hope was left.
Pandora's box has since became a term symbolizing any action whose consequences are dangerously unpredictable.
According to Greek myth, Pandora was the first women.
She was sent to the rebellious Titans on earth by Zeus as a punishment for man kind for obtaining fire from Prometheus.
she was given a box to take with her, with instruction not to open it.
because she was curious she disobeyed, Open the box and all the evils of the world flew out.
Only hope was left.
Pandora's box has since became a term symbolizing any action whose consequences are dangerously unpredictable.
Friday, October 4, 2013
a segment of Phobius To Phobia Book two of the Phobian sears I'm writing
Phobius to Phobia
a segment of book two of the book sears i'm writing.
The deep Star was on its dally patrol under the waters outside the continent of Zyantha when they received a transmission from the High Command.
the orders told them one of their agents in the city of Naphrian had got married to a local woman named Janit.
It said that he had missed his check in call and they were ordered to go check it out.
the standard orders of taking extreme caution and no interference was also there.
also included was a special not, that said, Zane Vangar is stepping down from the thrown leaving his son Zyphan as the new Zane.
later that evening they arrived there but they didn't surface until dark.
just before dark Captain Ramses called the away team commander up onto the bridge gave him his orders, then when the sun disappeared they surfaced and let them out about 500 feet off the coastline of the continent.
the commander of the away team is a mid-sized man with jet black hair, dark green eyes, he is in his late twenties, slightly heavy set - most of which is mussel and he commanded three others.
the raft was a rubber made boat, one with a single engine on its aft side, once the raft dropped them off, the pilot of the raft then said "Phanyor, don't be late again, Please!" then he turned the engine around and speed back to the sub.
the commander looked at one of his team members then said, "that happened only once - why won't they let it die?"
"they know you, that's why Phanyor!" his second in command answered.
as the raft speed off it made little to no noise, only a low pitched humming sound which had died away rather quickly.
after Phanyor and the other three reached the outer edge of the forest that surround the city, they striped down making sure that they turned their close inside out, then redressed, the jet black outer suit lining then became the inner lining of a light gray.
the jet black lining was for moving around in areas that no ones shouldn't be at while the light gray side gave them the ability to move freely throughout heavily populated areas without attracting attention and still giving them the abilities to hide if they need too.
then he dug a small hole with a small garden shovel and dropped a small microchip into it, replaced the dirt and covered it up with dead grass, dead leaves and sticks.
they each synchronized their watches and made their way into the city, two entered in the side while Phanyor and another entered into the southern part of the dark city.
they fallowed the first street for three blocks before his partner turned down a side street.
he fallowed it for ten blocks before he came to a crosswalk that had a don't walk sign lit up.
there was a couple of men standing across the street talking. "--------- yes anddid you know that Captain Tesla had arrived today?"
"no i didn't - man i really feel sorry for those Nycrian's now!"
"i don't, i think that they have been pushing people around for far far far to long and its about time someone put them into there proper place?"
"agreed! by clamping down on them we might even be able to end this war, i heard that Admiral Suzan Bell is in town to do just that to!"
"that i know is true, i was there when she got off the Ironhorse!
"that thing is here too?"
"its her ship - it goes wherever she does, form what i hear!"
"say! do you by any chance know what's happening in the northern part of the city?"
"no - all i heard was a solger asking about a military officer that disappeared but that's it why?"
"because they are searching everything and everyone up their!"
"really, i do hope they find what their looking for before they get down here!"
Phanyor started across the street as he took out a small peace of paper which only had the name and address of one Halk Knight on it, then he fallowed a tracking device which was built into his watch - right to that address.
the home was a small place, dark in color, totally surrounded by flowers of a wide verity of shapes and types.
he knocked on the door and a lady answered it, she appeared to be in her early thirties and she was holding a large silver ladle in her left hand like she planed on hitting someone, Phanyor then stepped back slightly as he said, "hi, are you Janit - Halk's wife?"
"yes, can i help you?"
"i'm Phill, his younger brother, is he home?"
"come on in - he's in the living room!"
she then stepped aside as Phanyor looked at the ladle he entered the front room, he throw a glance around - then asked, "should i wait here?"
she simply said 'please' then he sat down on the couch, Janit closed the door, turned around and went to the door on the other side of the room and said "dear, there's a young man here named Phill - he clams to be a relative - a younger brother of yours!"
a chubby man entered into the room, the man also appeared to be in his late thirties and he had a light brownish color to his hair.
Phanyor stood up as halk entered the room and approached him but as he had started to go by Janit - she said, "Kayl's sleeping and i have to finish supper - so stay quiet and out of the way!"
"yes dear, we'll go to the office to talk how long until supper anyway?"
"about a half hour!' then she looked at Phanyor and asked, 'would you like to joying us?" but she didn't wait for answer before saying, "i thought you would!" then she left the room.
Halk lead the way to the basement area and into his office.
Phanyor went over to a chair, sat down as Halk closed the door and turned around.
he held up his hand as to stop Phanyor from saying anything, then went over to his desk, pressed down a button on the bottom side of it lowest shelf and to do it his pom had to be facing upwards, sense the button was under the lowest shelf facing the floor.
a few seconds later there was a clicking sound, "Phanyor? what brings you to Naphrian?"
"you do Marduss! tell me, do you happen to know what is going on out there?"
"sure do!"
"grate! what?"
"its a long story Phanyor!"
"well we have until sun rise to hear it but first tell me. would she have hit me with that thing?"
"oh no, she wouldn't hurt a fly even if it flat out asked her to, but she would have nursed it back to health!"
"so what is happening out there? why did you miss the contact time?"
"I was just a little bit busy! that's all!"
"doing what?"
he smiled, then went over to a table in the far right corner of the room, the table appeared to be one island that protruded out of the walls southern corner in an angle, it was five feet long and four feet wide.
"i was investigating a couple of things that i heard, and well, one thing lead to another, before i knew it i was in a little too deep!"
"a little too deep, just how little is a little too deep? and was it worth it?"
"to deep, and yes i believe it was!"
after he reached the table he pressed down on a not, the knot looked like it couldn't move at all but it did and it unlocked the table top.
when he opened it, it revealed a sold steal safe inside and he opened that up which revealed a briefcase, inside that was some papers that looked like official documents with the symbol of a island in the upper right corner.
the island was located just outside the continent of Dizanta, there where others with several names on them as well.
he then handed all them over to Phanyor and said, "i do believe that you will agree with me on this Phanyor!' as Phanyor took the papers Halk added, 'start with these!"
Phanyor looked the papers over, as he did his eyes got wider and wider, Marduss continued on, 'there are detailed plans to a new type of ship - the schematics and pictures of it, plus detailed records of both of the nations, United Isles and the Zycrian's - there resources and there abilities to wage war!" then Marduss sat down behind his desk as Phanyor then asked; "how on Phobius did you get close enough to copy these without getting caught?"
"i didn't!"
"you didn't what, copy them or get caught?"
"then how did you get them?"
"it was an accident, totally by chance that i got them and it's a long story to!"
"simplify it for me, i would love to hear it!"
"well first i heard about a ship with ears about two months ago!"
Phanyor smiled, then said, "a ship with ears? that would look rather funny don't you think?"
"extremely funny, yes, but that's the rumor!"
"they must mean sonar?"
"that would be my guest to! anyway, they also have been talking about several top officers that arrived recently at the naval yard, the two most prominent being an Admiral named Suzan Bell and a captain named Tesla Vastal. so i came down here to try to see if the scanner could find anything out but all i got was kid bits here and there, sporadic at best and all of those were incomplete as well, so i dug out my Majors uniform and used it to nose around, all i saw was several ships at dock and anchor just off the coast, some were new arrivals to, but they all had more or less the same battered look a war ship has in a time of war."
"nothing out of the ordinary then?"
"not one thing! i wondered around looking at the ship and listening to tidbits of conversations for a while, they have a fleet of submarines Phanyor - there small and they are called subsurface craft not to mention they also have some crud two winged air plain called a by-plane with limited range."
"your joking right?"
"not at all, they brought is several of them, over the past couple of years for the war effort and they seam to be doing rather well with them, anyway the tidbits of conversations i heard led me to the base hospital, the plain was to walk around and lessen to conversations going on around me but it didn't end up like that!"
"what happened?"
"i arrived, lessened and blended in rather nicely for about one haft hour!"
"did you learn anything?"
"sure did!"
"A privet broke his right arm while reparing a brick wall, a sargent got his leg cought in a hole onboard his ship, there somewhat low on supplise and the Zycrian's launched a large frontal assault last night, plus the flue is running a muck besides that the only thing that happened was they brought in a man that was injured, clutching a briefcase, who saw me or rather my uniform then he handed it to me and told me to take it to Admiral Suzan Bell. i simple smiled then took the key to the handcuffs - removed it from his wrist placed it on mine said, 'good soldier, asked his name so i could tell the Admrial and left quickly, i came home hid both the uniform and briefcase then went to get Janit from work, we went to a nice coffee shop and a couple of people came in talking about the military stopping all shipping and is searching everyone and everything on the northeastern side of the city while the Army closed off the land side of the city. at that point i faked a yawn - said that it was one long day and we came home, janit started supper and i told her that i needed to clean up what i was doing down here before i took a nap. once i got down here i picked the locks and found all this inside it!"
phanyor's eyes opened wide as he asked, "and when was that?"
"this Evening!"
"yeah, well, you're time is about up anyway so i think that its time you took Janit to Arkonda and showed her around there!"
"personally i agree with you on that but i don't think that Janit would go for it!"
"we could ask her or we could spike something of her's and ask her onboard the Deep Star!"
"let's play it safe - i'll spike her nightly drink and go from there!"
"we'll leave right after supper sense Janit did go through all that effort to invite Phill Nights to eat!"
when Janits voice came through the speaker about three minutes later announcing supper they were talking about the weather.
a segment of book two of the book sears i'm writing.
The deep Star was on its dally patrol under the waters outside the continent of Zyantha when they received a transmission from the High Command.
the orders told them one of their agents in the city of Naphrian had got married to a local woman named Janit.
It said that he had missed his check in call and they were ordered to go check it out.
the standard orders of taking extreme caution and no interference was also there.
also included was a special not, that said, Zane Vangar is stepping down from the thrown leaving his son Zyphan as the new Zane.
later that evening they arrived there but they didn't surface until dark.
just before dark Captain Ramses called the away team commander up onto the bridge gave him his orders, then when the sun disappeared they surfaced and let them out about 500 feet off the coastline of the continent.
the commander of the away team is a mid-sized man with jet black hair, dark green eyes, he is in his late twenties, slightly heavy set - most of which is mussel and he commanded three others.
the raft was a rubber made boat, one with a single engine on its aft side, once the raft dropped them off, the pilot of the raft then said "Phanyor, don't be late again, Please!" then he turned the engine around and speed back to the sub.
the commander looked at one of his team members then said, "that happened only once - why won't they let it die?"
"they know you, that's why Phanyor!" his second in command answered.
as the raft speed off it made little to no noise, only a low pitched humming sound which had died away rather quickly.
after Phanyor and the other three reached the outer edge of the forest that surround the city, they striped down making sure that they turned their close inside out, then redressed, the jet black outer suit lining then became the inner lining of a light gray.
the jet black lining was for moving around in areas that no ones shouldn't be at while the light gray side gave them the ability to move freely throughout heavily populated areas without attracting attention and still giving them the abilities to hide if they need too.
then he dug a small hole with a small garden shovel and dropped a small microchip into it, replaced the dirt and covered it up with dead grass, dead leaves and sticks.
they each synchronized their watches and made their way into the city, two entered in the side while Phanyor and another entered into the southern part of the dark city.
they fallowed the first street for three blocks before his partner turned down a side street.
he fallowed it for ten blocks before he came to a crosswalk that had a don't walk sign lit up.
there was a couple of men standing across the street talking. "--------- yes anddid you know that Captain Tesla had arrived today?"
"no i didn't - man i really feel sorry for those Nycrian's now!"
"i don't, i think that they have been pushing people around for far far far to long and its about time someone put them into there proper place?"
"agreed! by clamping down on them we might even be able to end this war, i heard that Admiral Suzan Bell is in town to do just that to!"
"that i know is true, i was there when she got off the Ironhorse!
"that thing is here too?"
"its her ship - it goes wherever she does, form what i hear!"
"say! do you by any chance know what's happening in the northern part of the city?"
"no - all i heard was a solger asking about a military officer that disappeared but that's it why?"
"because they are searching everything and everyone up their!"
"really, i do hope they find what their looking for before they get down here!"
Phanyor started across the street as he took out a small peace of paper which only had the name and address of one Halk Knight on it, then he fallowed a tracking device which was built into his watch - right to that address.
the home was a small place, dark in color, totally surrounded by flowers of a wide verity of shapes and types.
he knocked on the door and a lady answered it, she appeared to be in her early thirties and she was holding a large silver ladle in her left hand like she planed on hitting someone, Phanyor then stepped back slightly as he said, "hi, are you Janit - Halk's wife?"
"yes, can i help you?"
"i'm Phill, his younger brother, is he home?"
"come on in - he's in the living room!"
she then stepped aside as Phanyor looked at the ladle he entered the front room, he throw a glance around - then asked, "should i wait here?"
she simply said 'please' then he sat down on the couch, Janit closed the door, turned around and went to the door on the other side of the room and said "dear, there's a young man here named Phill - he clams to be a relative - a younger brother of yours!"
a chubby man entered into the room, the man also appeared to be in his late thirties and he had a light brownish color to his hair.
Phanyor stood up as halk entered the room and approached him but as he had started to go by Janit - she said, "Kayl's sleeping and i have to finish supper - so stay quiet and out of the way!"
"yes dear, we'll go to the office to talk how long until supper anyway?"
"about a half hour!' then she looked at Phanyor and asked, 'would you like to joying us?" but she didn't wait for answer before saying, "i thought you would!" then she left the room.
Halk lead the way to the basement area and into his office.
Phanyor went over to a chair, sat down as Halk closed the door and turned around.
he held up his hand as to stop Phanyor from saying anything, then went over to his desk, pressed down a button on the bottom side of it lowest shelf and to do it his pom had to be facing upwards, sense the button was under the lowest shelf facing the floor.
a few seconds later there was a clicking sound, "Phanyor? what brings you to Naphrian?"
"you do Marduss! tell me, do you happen to know what is going on out there?"
"sure do!"
"grate! what?"
"its a long story Phanyor!"
"well we have until sun rise to hear it but first tell me. would she have hit me with that thing?"
"oh no, she wouldn't hurt a fly even if it flat out asked her to, but she would have nursed it back to health!"
"so what is happening out there? why did you miss the contact time?"
"I was just a little bit busy! that's all!"
"doing what?"
he smiled, then went over to a table in the far right corner of the room, the table appeared to be one island that protruded out of the walls southern corner in an angle, it was five feet long and four feet wide.
"i was investigating a couple of things that i heard, and well, one thing lead to another, before i knew it i was in a little too deep!"
"a little too deep, just how little is a little too deep? and was it worth it?"
"to deep, and yes i believe it was!"
after he reached the table he pressed down on a not, the knot looked like it couldn't move at all but it did and it unlocked the table top.
when he opened it, it revealed a sold steal safe inside and he opened that up which revealed a briefcase, inside that was some papers that looked like official documents with the symbol of a island in the upper right corner.
the island was located just outside the continent of Dizanta, there where others with several names on them as well.
he then handed all them over to Phanyor and said, "i do believe that you will agree with me on this Phanyor!' as Phanyor took the papers Halk added, 'start with these!"
Phanyor looked the papers over, as he did his eyes got wider and wider, Marduss continued on, 'there are detailed plans to a new type of ship - the schematics and pictures of it, plus detailed records of both of the nations, United Isles and the Zycrian's - there resources and there abilities to wage war!" then Marduss sat down behind his desk as Phanyor then asked; "how on Phobius did you get close enough to copy these without getting caught?"
"i didn't!"
"you didn't what, copy them or get caught?"
"then how did you get them?"
"it was an accident, totally by chance that i got them and it's a long story to!"
"simplify it for me, i would love to hear it!"
"well first i heard about a ship with ears about two months ago!"
Phanyor smiled, then said, "a ship with ears? that would look rather funny don't you think?"
"extremely funny, yes, but that's the rumor!"
"they must mean sonar?"
"that would be my guest to! anyway, they also have been talking about several top officers that arrived recently at the naval yard, the two most prominent being an Admiral named Suzan Bell and a captain named Tesla Vastal. so i came down here to try to see if the scanner could find anything out but all i got was kid bits here and there, sporadic at best and all of those were incomplete as well, so i dug out my Majors uniform and used it to nose around, all i saw was several ships at dock and anchor just off the coast, some were new arrivals to, but they all had more or less the same battered look a war ship has in a time of war."
"nothing out of the ordinary then?"
"not one thing! i wondered around looking at the ship and listening to tidbits of conversations for a while, they have a fleet of submarines Phanyor - there small and they are called subsurface craft not to mention they also have some crud two winged air plain called a by-plane with limited range."
"your joking right?"
"not at all, they brought is several of them, over the past couple of years for the war effort and they seam to be doing rather well with them, anyway the tidbits of conversations i heard led me to the base hospital, the plain was to walk around and lessen to conversations going on around me but it didn't end up like that!"
"what happened?"
"i arrived, lessened and blended in rather nicely for about one haft hour!"
"did you learn anything?"
"sure did!"
"A privet broke his right arm while reparing a brick wall, a sargent got his leg cought in a hole onboard his ship, there somewhat low on supplise and the Zycrian's launched a large frontal assault last night, plus the flue is running a muck besides that the only thing that happened was they brought in a man that was injured, clutching a briefcase, who saw me or rather my uniform then he handed it to me and told me to take it to Admiral Suzan Bell. i simple smiled then took the key to the handcuffs - removed it from his wrist placed it on mine said, 'good soldier, asked his name so i could tell the Admrial and left quickly, i came home hid both the uniform and briefcase then went to get Janit from work, we went to a nice coffee shop and a couple of people came in talking about the military stopping all shipping and is searching everyone and everything on the northeastern side of the city while the Army closed off the land side of the city. at that point i faked a yawn - said that it was one long day and we came home, janit started supper and i told her that i needed to clean up what i was doing down here before i took a nap. once i got down here i picked the locks and found all this inside it!"
phanyor's eyes opened wide as he asked, "and when was that?"
"this Evening!"
"yeah, well, you're time is about up anyway so i think that its time you took Janit to Arkonda and showed her around there!"
"personally i agree with you on that but i don't think that Janit would go for it!"
"we could ask her or we could spike something of her's and ask her onboard the Deep Star!"
"let's play it safe - i'll spike her nightly drink and go from there!"
"we'll leave right after supper sense Janit did go through all that effort to invite Phill Nights to eat!"
when Janits voice came through the speaker about three minutes later announcing supper they were talking about the weather.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
current governmental events
throughout the entire life time America was a nation she never went through this kind of crap, its as if the people in office don't wont to do their jobs, if you sake me i say impeach the whole lot and put some people in office that will - after all if anyone of use when to work and did nothing we would be fired on the spot.
as a nation we should tell the government that we will not tolerate this from anybody and there are several thousand citizens to one senator.
power belongs too the people maybe we should take our lead from history and form protest in every street in every city, like they use to do in the past.
as a nation we should tell the government that we will not tolerate this from anybody and there are several thousand citizens to one senator.
power belongs too the people maybe we should take our lead from history and form protest in every street in every city, like they use to do in the past.
Monday, September 30, 2013
wondering about life
the order of nature is you are born, you live a life of - in some cases your own choosing and you die.
all living thing must fallow this order there is no exception to this rule.
if you ask me i think that the reason why the world was made was not as religion has lead people to believe but rather simple to teach man the lessons of getting along.
we need to make as many friends as we can and live a decent life.
some people learn that lesson while others don't.
life is hard and man with all his improvements made it that much harder.
with that said i have to ask why with all our intelligence do we as a race have to complicate things even further - there is no need to do such things.
people may not understand life as what it was meant to be but then again maybe the reason why we do the things we do - do is because deep down we do understand and just simple don't agree with it as a whole?
to most people the lies from others hurt but when people do tell the truth no one wants to lessen to it or the fact that people learned how to lie so well it has imprinted that fact as everyone will lie no mater what the only real question is can man learn to tell the truth about thing and learn that not everyone is a year round lair.
all living thing must fallow this order there is no exception to this rule.
one must then ask "what is it that man has to do here on Earth with the time they have ?"
if you ask me i think that the reason why the world was made was not as religion has lead people to believe but rather simple to teach man the lessons of getting along.
we need to make as many friends as we can and live a decent life.
some people learn that lesson while others don't.
life is hard and man with all his improvements made it that much harder.

the simple fact is that nature can get along with each other ! why can't man ?
man is too caught up in their own petty business to even think that they might be wrong about life - they care little for others for the most part if they did there would be far less murder in the streets no wars and love world wide - who said the hippy generation was wrong - not me.
picture post
the first photo is Tara TaMiea my little girl and the love of my life - she is a star in my book Phobia and she is a lover.
the second picture is my mothers cat Sweety - a fearless cat that won a fight with a racoon but died from a toomer this year.
the third is of roses - planted when we fist moved in to this home - they love the yard as much as we do.
the fourth is a plaque made by my dad for Sweety's grave.
the last is a flower that is called (?)roses they were here before we moved in and ever sense we planted the larger roses they been blooming consistently.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
taken from the Book of Facts
written by Reader's Digest.
the healing Arts
Medicine and surgery were both advanced and respected in Ancient Egypt - so respected that Pharaoh Atothis is supposed to have written a book on anatomy around 3000 BC.
nine medical treatises have survived. one, the oldest surviving book of surgery in the world, contains details of 48 operations, among them trepanning - boring a hole in the skull to relieve pressure on the brain.
Others contain medical advice which is largely based on superstition, but they also list drugs that are still familiar, such as castor oil, sodium bicarbonate and arsenic.
Egyptian doctors even used adhesive plasters on wounds.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Truth what is Fact or Fiction,
Truth what is fact or fiction.
truth - truth is a story that is told by someone the event has happened too.
Fiction - Fiction stories are stories someone tells someone else that can't be proven as fact ( truth ).
in all if the event happened to you and you tell the story as it had happened you are telling the truth - a fact - but to all the people that the story never happened to the stories can only be classified as fiction.
that is why i never close the door on any subject - i try to research every side of the story until there is no more sides too research, to close the door on anything at anytime means you are not interested in the truth or facts for what can be considered as truth today can be proven wrong tomorrow.
truth - truth is a story that is told by someone the event has happened too.
Fiction - Fiction stories are stories someone tells someone else that can't be proven as fact ( truth ).
in all if the event happened to you and you tell the story as it had happened you are telling the truth - a fact - but to all the people that the story never happened to the stories can only be classified as fiction.
that is why i never close the door on any subject - i try to research every side of the story until there is no more sides too research, to close the door on anything at anytime means you are not interested in the truth or facts for what can be considered as truth today can be proven wrong tomorrow.
Monday, September 23, 2013
How carbon-14 dating works
Taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest
early archaeologists relied on two major techniques for calculating the age of what they found: the principle of stratigraphy - that the remains of earlier generations are covered over by those of their successors; and comparison of style of, say, pottery to determine whether one influenced and therefor preceded the other.
In the 1950s, however, a new technique know as radio-carbon- 14 dating came into use.
carbon -14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon present in tiny amounts in the atmosphere.
Living things such as wood and the bones of living animals absorb this carbon naturally.
But when the tree is cut down or the animal dies, the absorption stops and the level of carbon -14 begins to fall as the isotope decays.
written by Readers Digest
early archaeologists relied on two major techniques for calculating the age of what they found: the principle of stratigraphy - that the remains of earlier generations are covered over by those of their successors; and comparison of style of, say, pottery to determine whether one influenced and therefor preceded the other.
In the 1950s, however, a new technique know as radio-carbon- 14 dating came into use.
carbon -14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon present in tiny amounts in the atmosphere.
Living things such as wood and the bones of living animals absorb this carbon naturally.
But when the tree is cut down or the animal dies, the absorption stops and the level of carbon -14 begins to fall as the isotope decays.
Birth of Mummy
taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest
The word mummy, for the embalmed bodies of Egyptian notables does not come from Egypt, or even the Arab world.
It is thought to be derived from a Persian word mummia, meaning bitumen' or 'tar'.
Mummies were so named because ancient peoples who came across the age-blackened corpses believed wrongly that the bodies were a source of tar.
written by Readers Digest
The word mummy, for the embalmed bodies of Egyptian notables does not come from Egypt, or even the Arab world.
It is thought to be derived from a Persian word mummia, meaning bitumen' or 'tar'.
Mummies were so named because ancient peoples who came across the age-blackened corpses believed wrongly that the bodies were a source of tar.
why Money is Valued
taken from the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest
Money by itself is not wealth, it is a means by which people can exchange goods that do have Value.
while a pile of banknotes is being kept in an attic by a miser and never exchanged for anything, it is worth less than a heap of old rage.
Money is a promise, a piece of trust which is passed from hand to hand and can be stored without perishing.
it has Value only if the trust lasts.
to be trusted, money, it seems must be of limited supply if there is too much, people trust it less. they then want more and more of it in return for goods.
it can become practically worthless, as in times of Chronic inflation. if there is too little then people cannot expand their activities because they cannot find the 'credit' in the form of loans to keep themselves going while they develop new ventures.this can lead to economic depression, or recession, which means not enough things going on, not enough money in peoples pockets to cause 'demand' for goods, and not enough jobs.
My personal Opinion;
money has always been the cause of wars, Money is more or less worthless without the rear minerals to back it up - but people still make it and die for it - if you don't have it you want it - if you have it you want more - and all it is - is a colored peace of paper.
credit is an alternative but it still has all the same problems - for me i prefer the barter system - you get something for something - usually work for a roof and food.
written by Readers Digest
Money by itself is not wealth, it is a means by which people can exchange goods that do have Value.
while a pile of banknotes is being kept in an attic by a miser and never exchanged for anything, it is worth less than a heap of old rage.
Money is a promise, a piece of trust which is passed from hand to hand and can be stored without perishing.
it has Value only if the trust lasts.
to be trusted, money, it seems must be of limited supply if there is too much, people trust it less. they then want more and more of it in return for goods.
it can become practically worthless, as in times of Chronic inflation. if there is too little then people cannot expand their activities because they cannot find the 'credit' in the form of loans to keep themselves going while they develop new ventures.this can lead to economic depression, or recession, which means not enough things going on, not enough money in peoples pockets to cause 'demand' for goods, and not enough jobs.
My personal Opinion;
money has always been the cause of wars, Money is more or less worthless without the rear minerals to back it up - but people still make it and die for it - if you don't have it you want it - if you have it you want more - and all it is - is a colored peace of paper.
credit is an alternative but it still has all the same problems - for me i prefer the barter system - you get something for something - usually work for a roof and food.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
incredible shrinking country
taken from the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest
two disastrous wars and one near-war have cost Bolivia more then half the territory to which it laid clam when it became independent in 1825.
in the1879-83 war of the pacific, Chile annexed Bolivia's pacific seacoast, along with the port of Antofagasta and the neighboring Brazil was narrowly avoided, Bolivia was forced to cede the rubber-producing Acre territory to Brazil finally after the 1932-5 Chaco War with Paraguay, Bolivia lost three quarters of the southern Chaco region which it calmed.
it also abandoned hope of an outlet of its own to the Atlantic along the Paraguay river, at a point where the river is navigable for large vessels.
despite having no coastline, Bolivia still has a nave of some 4000 men.
they are confined, to the calm waters of Titicaca high in the Andes and to rivers on the fringes of the Amazon basin.
country where no one is born
taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest
the smallest independent state in the world is the Vactican City, with a population of about 750 - and a nil birthrate.
its area is 0.44km ( 0.17 square miles ).
the country with the largest area is Russia. it covers 17,075,000km ( 6,590,950 square miles ).
the country with the largest population is china, which in 1992 had nearly 1151 million inhabitants - almost one in four of the world's people.
written by Readers Digest
the smallest independent state in the world is the Vactican City, with a population of about 750 - and a nil birthrate.
its area is 0.44km ( 0.17 square miles ).
the country with the largest area is Russia. it covers 17,075,000km ( 6,590,950 square miles ).
the country with the largest population is china, which in 1992 had nearly 1151 million inhabitants - almost one in four of the world's people.
Friday, September 20, 2013
man's first friend
taken from the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest
man's first friend
the dog is man's oldest as well as his best friend.
the ancient Egyptians used dogs for hunting 8000 years ago, and stone age humans may have had hunting dogs before 10,000BC, the ancestors of the dog were probably the lighter-built southern Asian races of the wolf, but other wolf races may have contributed as well.
about 5000 years ago humans began to develop breeds of dogs in order to encourage different qualities.
last, the short-legged dachshund was bred for hunting badgers, and sheepdogs was bred for its herding abilities.
all dogs - from a Mexican chilhuahua weighing less than 1kg ( 2.2lb ) to a huge st bernard weighing more than 90kg ( 198lb ) - are members of the same species.
in biological terms, this means that any dog can potentially breed with any other dog - although differences in size can make this unlikely in some cases. and despite the long domestication there is no genetic barrier between dogs and wolves, either.
personal opinion;
the fact that man has and is still breading all kinds of animals to make others - they are in my opinion playing god, nature has was of making life happen without the aid of man but man obviously don't think so.
written by Readers Digest
man's first friend
the dog is man's oldest as well as his best friend.
the ancient Egyptians used dogs for hunting 8000 years ago, and stone age humans may have had hunting dogs before 10,000BC, the ancestors of the dog were probably the lighter-built southern Asian races of the wolf, but other wolf races may have contributed as well.
about 5000 years ago humans began to develop breeds of dogs in order to encourage different qualities.
last, the short-legged dachshund was bred for hunting badgers, and sheepdogs was bred for its herding abilities.
all dogs - from a Mexican chilhuahua weighing less than 1kg ( 2.2lb ) to a huge st bernard weighing more than 90kg ( 198lb ) - are members of the same species.
in biological terms, this means that any dog can potentially breed with any other dog - although differences in size can make this unlikely in some cases. and despite the long domestication there is no genetic barrier between dogs and wolves, either.
personal opinion;
the fact that man has and is still breading all kinds of animals to make others - they are in my opinion playing god, nature has was of making life happen without the aid of man but man obviously don't think so.
Birth of the mummy
taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest
the word mummy, for the embalmed bodies of Egyptian notables does not come from Egypt, or even from the Arab world. it is thought to derived from a Persian word mummia, meaning 'bitumen' or 'tar'. Mummies were so named because ancient peoples who came across the age - blackened corpses believed wrongly that the bodies were a source of tar.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
a segment from Phobia
A segment from Phobia
Ursa said to the Zane; "Zane Andruin how are you and the family Been?"
"Grate, well maybe not grate but pretty good. welcome gentlemen. have a seat, this is my son Sidian and I'm Andruin!"
As they each sat down around the circular table in the hart of the room, Ursa introduced them and apologized for the hasty meeting; "I realized the reason for our asking to see you is quite unusual but we're hoping upon hearing our arguments, you'll agree it's the best course of action to take!"
"Ursa, don't take this the wrong way, but, I think you have spent to much time on that Space station ...... I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I was under the assumption that PASCO dealt with matters concerning space. Although what the Archaeology you mentioned has to do with it has me curious, I fail to understand exactly what it has that involves me. I probably know less about both of them the majority of the population and at the risk of sounding stupid - what do they have in common?"
"Lost civilizations, dad, this is why you should have been reading all those articles in the science magazines I have, PASCO has been gearing up to train people on Taganae for exploring other planets as they move outwards into space AND ...... worlds who's populations have passed out of their existence, to understand who they were, how they lived, where they went and why requires the knowledge of the experts."
"Wow, I had no idea you know so much about this, Sidian, You present some very good points so far, I'm not sure in what you think I can do to be helpful but its certainly something worthy of attention. Make yourselves comfortable gentlemen we've got a lot of discussing to do!"
The meeting lasted for several hours with no sign of ending anytime soon.
Each person contributing thoughts and ideas, they talked about Archaeology in general and the valuable information it had provided on the development of the cultures around the planet. PASCO will need the expertise to gather the same kind of information on far off worlds where the inhabitants cannot speak for themselves. they went over the current types of equipment and tools and discussed some ideas of yet unknown tools and equipment that would be needed as well as the training the PASCO personnel would require to carry out their mission. when the conversation began to wind down, Zane Andruin sat back in his chair with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"This has been an interesting discussion. I'm quite impressed, however I missed the part where my help comes in, could someone run it by me again?"
As the three of them glanced at each other Vytar took in a deep breath and said; "looks like it's my turn to speak, Probably because it's my idea and rather then bore you with a long winded plea. I'll just cut to the point. these future Archaeologist need intense training to do their job. while they are learning, they must be as safe as possible. My idea is to use some ready made unknown areas with problems and hazards unforeseen in advance where they can learn to function and do so without dying in the process. We need access to the Kelmik Regions, all of them, to achieve it. Further more, I strongly advise Admiral Ursa, PASCO and anyone else involved to engage the services and experties of the best Archeologist in the world to do this training and that's Dathan's Lindaran, Professor at the Karf Mithallis University, I believe I Know for a fact he'd be very willing to sign on!"
"I know for a fact that he would too Vytar, he not only said he wants in the Kelmik Lands but he has made numerous attempts to sneak in to them, Do brake the news to him gently, I wouldn't want him to go into shock; that should come later when he gets in there and finds whatever he thinks is there. And Ursa, as a token of my willingness to add your happy group, you may have the pleasure of my sons company, sense I know full well he'll start hounding me for permission to go before you even reach the outer door, also make sure that Professor Dathan knows not to stray away from the main pack - he tends to be a lone wolf when he thinks no one is watching."
Ursa said to the Zane; "Zane Andruin how are you and the family Been?"
"Grate, well maybe not grate but pretty good. welcome gentlemen. have a seat, this is my son Sidian and I'm Andruin!"
As they each sat down around the circular table in the hart of the room, Ursa introduced them and apologized for the hasty meeting; "I realized the reason for our asking to see you is quite unusual but we're hoping upon hearing our arguments, you'll agree it's the best course of action to take!"
"Ursa, don't take this the wrong way, but, I think you have spent to much time on that Space station ...... I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, I was under the assumption that PASCO dealt with matters concerning space. Although what the Archaeology you mentioned has to do with it has me curious, I fail to understand exactly what it has that involves me. I probably know less about both of them the majority of the population and at the risk of sounding stupid - what do they have in common?"
"Lost civilizations, dad, this is why you should have been reading all those articles in the science magazines I have, PASCO has been gearing up to train people on Taganae for exploring other planets as they move outwards into space AND ...... worlds who's populations have passed out of their existence, to understand who they were, how they lived, where they went and why requires the knowledge of the experts."
"Wow, I had no idea you know so much about this, Sidian, You present some very good points so far, I'm not sure in what you think I can do to be helpful but its certainly something worthy of attention. Make yourselves comfortable gentlemen we've got a lot of discussing to do!"
The meeting lasted for several hours with no sign of ending anytime soon.
Each person contributing thoughts and ideas, they talked about Archaeology in general and the valuable information it had provided on the development of the cultures around the planet. PASCO will need the expertise to gather the same kind of information on far off worlds where the inhabitants cannot speak for themselves. they went over the current types of equipment and tools and discussed some ideas of yet unknown tools and equipment that would be needed as well as the training the PASCO personnel would require to carry out their mission. when the conversation began to wind down, Zane Andruin sat back in his chair with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"This has been an interesting discussion. I'm quite impressed, however I missed the part where my help comes in, could someone run it by me again?"
As the three of them glanced at each other Vytar took in a deep breath and said; "looks like it's my turn to speak, Probably because it's my idea and rather then bore you with a long winded plea. I'll just cut to the point. these future Archaeologist need intense training to do their job. while they are learning, they must be as safe as possible. My idea is to use some ready made unknown areas with problems and hazards unforeseen in advance where they can learn to function and do so without dying in the process. We need access to the Kelmik Regions, all of them, to achieve it. Further more, I strongly advise Admiral Ursa, PASCO and anyone else involved to engage the services and experties of the best Archeologist in the world to do this training and that's Dathan's Lindaran, Professor at the Karf Mithallis University, I believe I Know for a fact he'd be very willing to sign on!"
"I know for a fact that he would too Vytar, he not only said he wants in the Kelmik Lands but he has made numerous attempts to sneak in to them, Do brake the news to him gently, I wouldn't want him to go into shock; that should come later when he gets in there and finds whatever he thinks is there. And Ursa, as a token of my willingness to add your happy group, you may have the pleasure of my sons company, sense I know full well he'll start hounding me for permission to go before you even reach the outer door, also make sure that Professor Dathan knows not to stray away from the main pack - he tends to be a lone wolf when he thinks no one is watching."
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Mikal then said his good by's and went to the left, when the door opened up Talin then said; " i hope you can handle the job Mikal its not going to be easy! "
he turned around and looked at him then asked; " what gives you the idea that i can't?"
nothing its just when i reviewed your record i got the opinion that when you make up your mind you close it to other possibilities that's all!"
i never close the door to anything, Admiral Talin, to this day i am still looking for evidence to support some theories that Professor Darik of the Trojans are looking for when he first got into Archaeology!"
"yes, that is what he said, why are you doing that anyway?"
" every possibility must be ruled out before it can be ruled out as a possibility! there can be no closed doors anywhere anytime! what in my record told you that i closed doors?"
"there are a couple of little things - nothing major though!"
i would very much like for those little thing to be told to me so i can clear up any confusion! Admiral!"
Mikla walked back over to the chair and sat down, "now tell me some of them please?"
"Okay for starting off with there is the little matter of the Trojan Desert ' the lifeless lands " why are you so bent out of shape telling people that at one time there was in fact life there?"
"at one time there was, the genetic make up of that desert clearly shows that - i don't know what changed the genetic make up of the region but the salt mountains aren't a natural development for the area, the salt you find in the sea and the salt you find in those mountains have nothing encomium! right down to the genetic make up the cells are different where the salt in the sea can be ate the salt in the desert will kill you if you ate it! there just nothing that can tie them together!"
well on that one you were right, Ridium told us that the Lifeless lands were made by him to bring forth a mineral we now know as Trysillucant, to him its call silicon and it wasn't natural on Phobia, the point though is you closed that door before the proof was found!'
"Ridium? who is that?"
"Ridium is a true Arkondian, he was born in the Altiearian time here on Phobia!"
"Altiearian time, the Altiearians are a race of people that Vytra Korvan found or wait Vytar named them, Professor Dathan Lindaran found them right?"
" right!"
"so how could he have been born in the Alterian time? they lived over twenty three million generations ago?"
"not quite, the Altiearieans are in fact three hundred generation old, that is three hundred generation ago they came to Phobius then the name of the planet was changed to Phobia but that's about what happened according to Ridium!"
"still how could he be from the Altiearians!"
"you aren't into astrology are you?"
"no - why?"
"if you were you would have known, were do you think we got the Radiant Spirit space station at?"
"i thought we built it!"
"no, Ridium is the computer that is on that station, that station is in fact a star ship built by the Altiearieans, we inherited it! and you were going to take on a job with little to no knowledge of the true situation!"
"we inherited it?"
Talin laughed then added, the first thing you need to do is go to Radiant Spirit Station and learn your history!"
"i"ll do that now then!"
"your free to go then!"
he turned around and looked at him then asked; " what gives you the idea that i can't?"
nothing its just when i reviewed your record i got the opinion that when you make up your mind you close it to other possibilities that's all!"
i never close the door to anything, Admiral Talin, to this day i am still looking for evidence to support some theories that Professor Darik of the Trojans are looking for when he first got into Archaeology!"
"yes, that is what he said, why are you doing that anyway?"
" every possibility must be ruled out before it can be ruled out as a possibility! there can be no closed doors anywhere anytime! what in my record told you that i closed doors?"
"there are a couple of little things - nothing major though!"
i would very much like for those little thing to be told to me so i can clear up any confusion! Admiral!"
Mikla walked back over to the chair and sat down, "now tell me some of them please?"
"Okay for starting off with there is the little matter of the Trojan Desert ' the lifeless lands " why are you so bent out of shape telling people that at one time there was in fact life there?"
"at one time there was, the genetic make up of that desert clearly shows that - i don't know what changed the genetic make up of the region but the salt mountains aren't a natural development for the area, the salt you find in the sea and the salt you find in those mountains have nothing encomium! right down to the genetic make up the cells are different where the salt in the sea can be ate the salt in the desert will kill you if you ate it! there just nothing that can tie them together!"
well on that one you were right, Ridium told us that the Lifeless lands were made by him to bring forth a mineral we now know as Trysillucant, to him its call silicon and it wasn't natural on Phobia, the point though is you closed that door before the proof was found!'
"Ridium? who is that?"
"Ridium is a true Arkondian, he was born in the Altiearian time here on Phobia!"
"Altiearian time, the Altiearians are a race of people that Vytra Korvan found or wait Vytar named them, Professor Dathan Lindaran found them right?"
" right!"
"so how could he have been born in the Alterian time? they lived over twenty three million generations ago?"
"not quite, the Altiearieans are in fact three hundred generation old, that is three hundred generation ago they came to Phobius then the name of the planet was changed to Phobia but that's about what happened according to Ridium!"
"still how could he be from the Altiearians!"
"you aren't into astrology are you?"
"no - why?"
"if you were you would have known, were do you think we got the Radiant Spirit space station at?"
"i thought we built it!"
"no, Ridium is the computer that is on that station, that station is in fact a star ship built by the Altiearieans, we inherited it! and you were going to take on a job with little to no knowledge of the true situation!"
"we inherited it?"
Talin laughed then added, the first thing you need to do is go to Radiant Spirit Station and learn your history!"
"i"ll do that now then!"
"your free to go then!"
Monday, August 12, 2013
In Memory of Ricky Lambert
My Aunt Ricky was a especially talented Person, she drew everything from - dragons, unicorns, ordinary cats and dogs, any thing you wanted @ colored them to.
she painted the walls of her room to look like a forest of silver trees like in the Lord of the Rings.
when she was young she made a picture of a field of flowers with the names of each family member on them and above, she put stars @ the names of the family members who passed away.
sadly her flower became a star on February 10th 1992 when she passed away at age 33.
this story is told in my mothers words,
we miss all those who passed away and we know that they are now in a better place.
she painted the walls of her room to look like a forest of silver trees like in the Lord of the Rings.
when she was young she made a picture of a field of flowers with the names of each family member on them and above, she put stars @ the names of the family members who passed away.
sadly her flower became a star on February 10th 1992 when she passed away at age 33.
this story is told in my mothers words,
we miss all those who passed away and we know that they are now in a better place.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
In memory of Randy Dansby
my brother Randy Dansby
1. Randy would "create" milk shakes of various flavors and had me ( Ronny ) taste them to see if they were good.
2. Randy drew "underdog" on a sheet of paper @ ran 100 copies of it at Children's Hospital which were given to classmates of mying ( Ronny ) in the 1st grade as "special rewards" for good work - which was like putting a star on their papers. ( that worked for everyone except me sense i lived with him and got his drawing all the time anyway ).
3. Randy received a motorized "motorcycle" when he was 5 from Santa and he took it everywhere with me ( Ronny ), who was 2 1/2 years old, on the back, and our dog, Fancy ( a toy poodle ) along side.
one day Randy got angry at mom and took me ( Ronny ) @ Fancy on the motorcycle to grandma's house - 2 blocks away and told her mom was mean and we ( Randy and me ) moved to her house. after she gave them cookies - they ( Randy and I ) came home - both were tired and wanted to play with our toys @ had forgotten we were mad at mom @ had moved away.
1. Randy would "create" milk shakes of various flavors and had me ( Ronny ) taste them to see if they were good.
2. Randy drew "underdog" on a sheet of paper @ ran 100 copies of it at Children's Hospital which were given to classmates of mying ( Ronny ) in the 1st grade as "special rewards" for good work - which was like putting a star on their papers. ( that worked for everyone except me sense i lived with him and got his drawing all the time anyway ).
3. Randy received a motorized "motorcycle" when he was 5 from Santa and he took it everywhere with me ( Ronny ), who was 2 1/2 years old, on the back, and our dog, Fancy ( a toy poodle ) along side.
one day Randy got angry at mom and took me ( Ronny ) @ Fancy on the motorcycle to grandma's house - 2 blocks away and told her mom was mean and we ( Randy and me ) moved to her house. after she gave them cookies - they ( Randy and I ) came home - both were tired and wanted to play with our toys @ had forgotten we were mad at mom @ had moved away.
Friday, July 19, 2013
from riches to rages
from riches to rages.
the princess was engaged to a prince, a wedding she wasn't interested in and so when a chance came up that would give her what she wants she took it.
the man named Gation Gorthan went to a fight, the animal that plagued the empire was a mythological beast called a Tycan, a Tycan is a wolf like dog with a silvery coat of hair.
the only thing that could be done was try to case it off, for nothing ever made has been able too kill one that they knew of.
Gation Gorthan dressed in his suit of steel and grabbed his sword, then joined his team of warriors and set off for the village of Barba.
Barba sat at the outer edge of the empire to the southeast, when they arrived there he talked too the few villagers that clammed to survive the encounter.
they told him that they were at the area called fortress gates - so named because it was the road into the empire from southeastern section of the continent.
they went looking for it in that area, when they found the beast there were ten nights.
swords in hand they fought the beast, one by one the beast killed them, seven of them died that day, Gation lost his sword in the fight the beast was too close too it for him too get it back so he simply did what his grandfather told him too do.
he grabbed a long tree branch that had broke of a near by tree and was laying on the ground.
the knights must have hit the beast a hundred times with there swords and nothing happened, there wasn't even a scratch on the beasts skin.
as the two remaining knight kept the beasts attention, Gation drove the tree branch into the right eye of the beast, killing it insistently.
as is the custom of the empire - Gation and the two other remaining knights dearied there dead, then carried the beast back too the village to eat.
it took them three days to figure out how to skin the beast, metal just would not do anything too its skin.
in frustration he grabbed that tree branch again and stabbed the beast in the chest, the wood branch sailed into the beast quickly and smoothly.
they old saying and the reason one why they ate whatever they killed is; " if you eat the dead you become part of it! "
the villagers felt insensible because of that not too mention homered by the nights.
when they got back with the story for the kings family, Gation Gorthan became a hero of the empire, now the laws of marring any of the princesses are - " either you have to be royalty or a hero "
the princess announced that her wedding was off with the prince of the other lands, a move that upset her father, but made both the prince of the neighboring nation and her sister happy.
one by one the family tried too talk since into her, she just wasn't lessening to them.
finally Gation said he would try to talk to her to.
" why did you call off the wedding?"
"i don't love him and it paves way for my sister to marry him in three years, they love each other!"
"but what about the union of the Alliance?"
"it can wait for a few years!"
"Ok, who do you love? the empire needs an hear!"
"my sister can provide that, for once, i want what i want!"
"and what's that?"
"to be advridge!"
"but your not advridge!"
"no but i could be with your help!"
"come again!"
"you are advridge and you are a hero, if you and i marry then i would be advrige too!"
"i have nothing too offer you for one thing!"
"but my father would take care of that!"
"i'm hardly around!"
"but my family will be all i need, if i marry a hero then i take his states at home but retain my relationship with my family too, i could visit them when i'm lonely!"
"you know what you are asking?"
"yes! i will grow on you, you might even love me in the end!"
"but i do love you - just not in that way!"
"but you could given some time!"
"your father would give me a cassel to!"
"not if you put restrictions on him, he has been trying to marry me off for years now, he would except then just so i would get married!"
"what type of restrictions do you have in mind dear!"
"that sounded good, well for one thing you can tell him that you would except a pay raise but only if its the same as any other knight, two; you would except an estate but only a modest one, what you have done for the nation he would be more will to give you anything you want then you think and that includes me!"
"i'll try, but this is just for you!"
she jumped up and started hopping in place saying " yes, yes, yes!"
he walked out of the room and asked to see the King, she must have been right about that because the king took him right in, the king was talking too the ambassador of the nation that the princess was suppose to marry the prince in.
he told the king and the ambassador what the princess had to say that is everything but the conditions he knew that for the conditions to work he had to keep that part too himself.
"are you interested?"
"yes but under conditions!"
"what conditions?"
he gave the conditions that the princess gave him to the king, he sold them as his idea.
they all talked for about two hours, finnally, the king said that the villagers of Barba was starting too act like the ruled the empire and he would agree too all the terms if he would go to that village and take control as a duke of the district.
he agreed and the next day both the ambassador and him left he went to the village to get thing set up and the ambassador went to his embassy.
the princess made the announcement and he supported it just before he left.
he found a nice twenty five accer lot and built a nice log cabin there - that became known as the dukes estate.
after a few days passed he went back too the plaice married her and took her to there new home for life, the gifts were modest to.
the princess was engaged to a prince, a wedding she wasn't interested in and so when a chance came up that would give her what she wants she took it.
the man named Gation Gorthan went to a fight, the animal that plagued the empire was a mythological beast called a Tycan, a Tycan is a wolf like dog with a silvery coat of hair.
the only thing that could be done was try to case it off, for nothing ever made has been able too kill one that they knew of.
Gation Gorthan dressed in his suit of steel and grabbed his sword, then joined his team of warriors and set off for the village of Barba.
Barba sat at the outer edge of the empire to the southeast, when they arrived there he talked too the few villagers that clammed to survive the encounter.
they told him that they were at the area called fortress gates - so named because it was the road into the empire from southeastern section of the continent.
they went looking for it in that area, when they found the beast there were ten nights.
swords in hand they fought the beast, one by one the beast killed them, seven of them died that day, Gation lost his sword in the fight the beast was too close too it for him too get it back so he simply did what his grandfather told him too do.
he grabbed a long tree branch that had broke of a near by tree and was laying on the ground.
the knights must have hit the beast a hundred times with there swords and nothing happened, there wasn't even a scratch on the beasts skin.
as the two remaining knight kept the beasts attention, Gation drove the tree branch into the right eye of the beast, killing it insistently.
as is the custom of the empire - Gation and the two other remaining knights dearied there dead, then carried the beast back too the village to eat.
it took them three days to figure out how to skin the beast, metal just would not do anything too its skin.
in frustration he grabbed that tree branch again and stabbed the beast in the chest, the wood branch sailed into the beast quickly and smoothly.
they old saying and the reason one why they ate whatever they killed is; " if you eat the dead you become part of it! "
the villagers felt insensible because of that not too mention homered by the nights.
when they got back with the story for the kings family, Gation Gorthan became a hero of the empire, now the laws of marring any of the princesses are - " either you have to be royalty or a hero "
the princess announced that her wedding was off with the prince of the other lands, a move that upset her father, but made both the prince of the neighboring nation and her sister happy.
one by one the family tried too talk since into her, she just wasn't lessening to them.
finally Gation said he would try to talk to her to.
" why did you call off the wedding?"
"i don't love him and it paves way for my sister to marry him in three years, they love each other!"
"but what about the union of the Alliance?"
"it can wait for a few years!"
"Ok, who do you love? the empire needs an hear!"
"my sister can provide that, for once, i want what i want!"
"and what's that?"
"to be advridge!"
"but your not advridge!"
"no but i could be with your help!"
"come again!"
"you are advridge and you are a hero, if you and i marry then i would be advrige too!"
"i have nothing too offer you for one thing!"
"but my father would take care of that!"
"i'm hardly around!"
"but my family will be all i need, if i marry a hero then i take his states at home but retain my relationship with my family too, i could visit them when i'm lonely!"
"you know what you are asking?"
"yes! i will grow on you, you might even love me in the end!"
"but i do love you - just not in that way!"
"but you could given some time!"
"your father would give me a cassel to!"
"not if you put restrictions on him, he has been trying to marry me off for years now, he would except then just so i would get married!"
"what type of restrictions do you have in mind dear!"
"that sounded good, well for one thing you can tell him that you would except a pay raise but only if its the same as any other knight, two; you would except an estate but only a modest one, what you have done for the nation he would be more will to give you anything you want then you think and that includes me!"
"i'll try, but this is just for you!"
she jumped up and started hopping in place saying " yes, yes, yes!"
he walked out of the room and asked to see the King, she must have been right about that because the king took him right in, the king was talking too the ambassador of the nation that the princess was suppose to marry the prince in.
he told the king and the ambassador what the princess had to say that is everything but the conditions he knew that for the conditions to work he had to keep that part too himself.
"are you interested?"
"yes but under conditions!"
"what conditions?"
he gave the conditions that the princess gave him to the king, he sold them as his idea.
they all talked for about two hours, finnally, the king said that the villagers of Barba was starting too act like the ruled the empire and he would agree too all the terms if he would go to that village and take control as a duke of the district.
he agreed and the next day both the ambassador and him left he went to the village to get thing set up and the ambassador went to his embassy.
the princess made the announcement and he supported it just before he left.
he found a nice twenty five accer lot and built a nice log cabin there - that became known as the dukes estate.
after a few days passed he went back too the plaice married her and took her to there new home for life, the gifts were modest to.
Friday, June 28, 2013
more about me!
well right now i can't really think of anything too write about, so i'll say this;
1. when you look at life with renewed eyes, everything looks like its part of a world of wounder!
2. take life at face value and don't plan ahead, that way your calender is always open and if something doesn't pan out you wont be too disappointed!
3. if you treat everyone including you enemies equally then its likely that you will get further in life, people are more likely willing to work with you and at least talk to you.
and it shows people just who is really more adult then who.
4. don't be afraid to get on your knees too play with kids, they will love you for it and the rewords are grate in the now and future.
5. look at all religions and see the truth, they are all more or less the same, just worded differently! and therefor they all deserves our respect.
6. life is what you make of it, no mater how good or bad, so try too look at the good in everything and everyone and you will love life more then you can think is possible.
these are just some of the things I have learned in the past they are the driving force behind my personality, the world is full of bad things and it takes real skill to see the good in today's news.
I watch some TV but i prefer the CD's on the radio - music tames the beast in reality, i'm a man out of time, i don't see anything wrong about complementing a lady on her looks, as my family says; " I might be taken but I'm not dead! ".
when one has the outlook of life like i do one tends too be treated strangely but always with respect and the respect is always worth the time it takes to build ones reputation.
reputation is one thing that i like too take seriously, the better the reputation i have the happier i am and too achieve that reputation i always try too help people, no matter where or when or what they need help with, if its something i don't know i chart it down as a lesson to learn, unless its doing something i don't like - like preparing a car, but i will always try to help.
1. when you look at life with renewed eyes, everything looks like its part of a world of wounder!
2. take life at face value and don't plan ahead, that way your calender is always open and if something doesn't pan out you wont be too disappointed!
3. if you treat everyone including you enemies equally then its likely that you will get further in life, people are more likely willing to work with you and at least talk to you.
and it shows people just who is really more adult then who.
4. don't be afraid to get on your knees too play with kids, they will love you for it and the rewords are grate in the now and future.
5. look at all religions and see the truth, they are all more or less the same, just worded differently! and therefor they all deserves our respect.
6. life is what you make of it, no mater how good or bad, so try too look at the good in everything and everyone and you will love life more then you can think is possible.
these are just some of the things I have learned in the past they are the driving force behind my personality, the world is full of bad things and it takes real skill to see the good in today's news.
I watch some TV but i prefer the CD's on the radio - music tames the beast in reality, i'm a man out of time, i don't see anything wrong about complementing a lady on her looks, as my family says; " I might be taken but I'm not dead! ".
when one has the outlook of life like i do one tends too be treated strangely but always with respect and the respect is always worth the time it takes to build ones reputation.
reputation is one thing that i like too take seriously, the better the reputation i have the happier i am and too achieve that reputation i always try too help people, no matter where or when or what they need help with, if its something i don't know i chart it down as a lesson to learn, unless its doing something i don't like - like preparing a car, but i will always try to help.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
the Begging of the GIANT LEAP
The shuttle craft was waiting for them at the space port center, brand new just off the Assembly line.
the pilot new they had too go to the moon but he didn't know why, in fact none of them did, Mikal went on-board and sat down - he was the last one there and after he fastened his life belt the pilot went into the cockpit.
the trip took them about 6 hours, on the way up there, Mikal open his computer system and started to read the letter he received from the Alliance.
"professor as requested you are now being activated and we need you too come up to the moon ASAP, this is not a drill,
The High Command " is what the not read, somewhat surprised that they would activate him so soon he turned off the computer and sat back looking at the others.
there were well known people there like the head linguistic of the Trojan University and the head of the Rhine University Archaeology department. and several others that he couldn't place.
when they arrived he got up and followed the pilot out off the shuttle, " Mikal " a man in a commanders uniform asked.
"yes and who are you sir?"
"i'm the commander of the bace, names John, the captain asked me too get you! if you will follow me i'll take you too them!"
"yes Admiral Talin is with him!"
"so they found something off world?"
"i don't know - i'm the escort only!"
the went into the the hall, walked to the lift at the fare end and once inside the commander said; "Captains Quarters!"
the doors closed and it started down the shaft, " this lift goes straight to the captains barracks and that is were they are at!" when the doors opened up the commander then said "Mikal is here!"
"come on in, Admiral Talin wants too talk too you?" the captain said as he got onto the lift Mikal step out and the captain said Bridge the doors closed and they were gone.
Talin then said, " have a seat!" as he did Admiral Talin started; " i called you up here too let you know that your services are needed, you leave for the Plaint Uvon tonight, there you will take command of the first Archeologal dig site found off the world from Vytar keep us in formed as too what happens up there, be warned though they have uncovered several traps already!"
the pilot new they had too go to the moon but he didn't know why, in fact none of them did, Mikal went on-board and sat down - he was the last one there and after he fastened his life belt the pilot went into the cockpit.
the trip took them about 6 hours, on the way up there, Mikal open his computer system and started to read the letter he received from the Alliance.
"professor as requested you are now being activated and we need you too come up to the moon ASAP, this is not a drill,
The High Command " is what the not read, somewhat surprised that they would activate him so soon he turned off the computer and sat back looking at the others.
there were well known people there like the head linguistic of the Trojan University and the head of the Rhine University Archaeology department. and several others that he couldn't place.
when they arrived he got up and followed the pilot out off the shuttle, " Mikal " a man in a commanders uniform asked.
"yes and who are you sir?"
"i'm the commander of the bace, names John, the captain asked me too get you! if you will follow me i'll take you too them!"
"yes Admiral Talin is with him!"
"so they found something off world?"
"i don't know - i'm the escort only!"
the went into the the hall, walked to the lift at the fare end and once inside the commander said; "Captains Quarters!"
the doors closed and it started down the shaft, " this lift goes straight to the captains barracks and that is were they are at!" when the doors opened up the commander then said "Mikal is here!"
"come on in, Admiral Talin wants too talk too you?" the captain said as he got onto the lift Mikal step out and the captain said Bridge the doors closed and they were gone.
Talin then said, " have a seat!" as he did Admiral Talin started; " i called you up here too let you know that your services are needed, you leave for the Plaint Uvon tonight, there you will take command of the first Archeologal dig site found off the world from Vytar keep us in formed as too what happens up there, be warned though they have uncovered several traps already!"
too be continued!
Monday, June 24, 2013
an idea to legends
in every civilization there are people who think up new and fascinating stuff. some of these people become popular.
the more popular the person becomes the more likely they will become a legend in the end and some of the stuff they come up with might weather and die but it all will be apart of life from there creation.
it more or less the same thing about places and events, the more popular it becomes the more likely it will become a legend in the end.
some notable legends are;
1.Atlas was discussed earlier in the blog but is a notable one.
2. Cassandra, the name Cassandra is often applied to anyone who predicts a future of gloom and doom.
originally, however,Cassandra was gloomy not because of any bleak prophecy, but because nobody would believe her no matter what she forecast or however accurate she proved to be.
the original Cassandra, daughter of Priam, king of Troy, was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, on condition that she would accept him as her lover.
when Cassandra withheld her side of the bargain Apollo was unable to retract his gift. but he ordained that her predictions would always be ignored.
the phrase 'halcyon days' for any period of peace and tranquility comes from the Greek legend of Alcyone, the daughter of Aeolus, god of the winds.
when her husband Ceyx was drowned, Alcyone threw herself into the sea in despair. but the gods took pity on the couple and changed them into kingfishers, still sometimes called halcyons.
Zeus also forbade the winds to blow for a week on either side of the winter solstice - midwinter day - when the birds were thought to breed at sea, so creating the 'halcyon days' of calm.
in most cases its the story or stories that live on, and over time being passed down word for word the words changed in to what they are now, people always put in things they think others would like better or change the meaning of words in which changes the story or stories to match the times.
the more popular the person becomes the more likely they will become a legend in the end and some of the stuff they come up with might weather and die but it all will be apart of life from there creation.
it more or less the same thing about places and events, the more popular it becomes the more likely it will become a legend in the end.
some notable legends are;
1.Atlas was discussed earlier in the blog but is a notable one.
2. Cassandra, the name Cassandra is often applied to anyone who predicts a future of gloom and doom.
originally, however,Cassandra was gloomy not because of any bleak prophecy, but because nobody would believe her no matter what she forecast or however accurate she proved to be.
the original Cassandra, daughter of Priam, king of Troy, was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, on condition that she would accept him as her lover.
when Cassandra withheld her side of the bargain Apollo was unable to retract his gift. but he ordained that her predictions would always be ignored.
the phrase 'halcyon days' for any period of peace and tranquility comes from the Greek legend of Alcyone, the daughter of Aeolus, god of the winds.
when her husband Ceyx was drowned, Alcyone threw herself into the sea in despair. but the gods took pity on the couple and changed them into kingfishers, still sometimes called halcyons.
Zeus also forbade the winds to blow for a week on either side of the winter solstice - midwinter day - when the birds were thought to breed at sea, so creating the 'halcyon days' of calm.
in most cases its the story or stories that live on, and over time being passed down word for word the words changed in to what they are now, people always put in things they think others would like better or change the meaning of words in which changes the story or stories to match the times.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Well, i found a follow section and added it finally for anyone how wants to follow me.
A good deed.
In the days that Johnson was working for the bakery he spent haft his time in the kitchen and haft outside in the lounge area, he got too know several people, some where senators for the state.
he found that by hanging around the lounge he could learn about things that most people didn't want him too know about, one day a man walked in and asked if anyone knew senator Troys son.
he simple smiled but didn't say anything, the man said that the senators son was kidnapped and was being held for ransom and he was asked to track them down, the ransom was going too be payed but the senators phone was down do to a power outage that has happened in his area.
He said that the C.I.A. had tracked the ransom demand call to this restaurant and he really needed to get that message too them before the senators son got killed but the guy got no where, so he left a note taped to the phone before he left.
after about two days another man came in and made a call on the pay phone, then he looked at the note and a few minutes later he slipped the not into his pocket, Johnson did see that guy before but not too often, the guy was in his early 30s short brown hair, blue eyes, a fair looking young man compared to him.
Johnson told the cashier too go too the security room after the man leaves and change the tap in the camera, he told him to put the tap in the office with a not on it telling the boss that he needed that tap as is.
when the younger man left, Johnson followed him, the man drove too a cabin in the mountains where he meet up with another man and showed him the note, they went on in to the cabin.
Johnson then parked his car about a mile further down the road, about a mile away.
the he hiked back to the cabin," those years the boy-scouts are really paying off today!" he thought.
when he reached the cottage he looked around then quietly moved up to the window on the north wall, looked into it - a bedroom then he went to the next window that room was the front room and both the men where there, he when't too the next window it was small and turned out to be the bathroom, the next room turned out too be another bed room only this one had a man in his early 20s tied up on the bed.
after looking into each window he assassinated that those where the only two men in the cottage other then the prisoner.
he went back too the restaurant and called that PI told him about it and gave him detailed instruction on how to get there, told him about the security tap and then went back to work.
the following day it hit the news that do to a tip the kidnappers was arested and the seanators son was in good shape.
the following day the owner came in and gave Johnson's a bill of sail for the Restaurant and wished him luck on running it, with a staring look on his face Johnson asked; "whats this for?"
Senator Troy bought it for you and told me to sign it over to you today.
Friday, June 21, 2013
About me
Well, for though's of you that have no access to my G+ profile page I think that i should say this first.
i have a learning disorder that affects my spelling and comprehension.
I traveled a lot while I was growing up, I did work that counselors and doctors alike told me i couldn't do and now that i'm forced into retirement I decided to try my hand at writing.
the book i'm working on right now is book one of a large series that I'm trying to write titled Phobia, it deals with Space and Archaeology but I'm not going to get into too much details about it here because I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who would like to read it.
when I attended elementary school a friend told me I should write the stories down that i told her and publish them and it's because of her that I decided too try it - My mother however is the current driving force that keeps me trying now.
one of her philosophy's is you never know if you can do it if you don't try, and the only way too know if you can do it right is by researching and giving it your all.
she has many more that I live by too.
I learned a lot from Randy Dansby as well, and i love him, Randy is my brother.
he told me that if you put your mind too something then you can achieve it.
life doesn't come with any generalities but one that is life will be what you make of it, if you hate the world then the world will hate you but if you love all about the world then no mater how bad or good things get the odds are you will have lots of fun in life.
i have a learning disorder that affects my spelling and comprehension.
I traveled a lot while I was growing up, I did work that counselors and doctors alike told me i couldn't do and now that i'm forced into retirement I decided to try my hand at writing.
the book i'm working on right now is book one of a large series that I'm trying to write titled Phobia, it deals with Space and Archaeology but I'm not going to get into too much details about it here because I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who would like to read it.
when I attended elementary school a friend told me I should write the stories down that i told her and publish them and it's because of her that I decided too try it - My mother however is the current driving force that keeps me trying now.
one of her philosophy's is you never know if you can do it if you don't try, and the only way too know if you can do it right is by researching and giving it your all.
she has many more that I live by too.
I learned a lot from Randy Dansby as well, and i love him, Randy is my brother.
he told me that if you put your mind too something then you can achieve it.
life doesn't come with any generalities but one that is life will be what you make of it, if you hate the world then the world will hate you but if you love all about the world then no mater how bad or good things get the odds are you will have lots of fun in life.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
taken from the Book of Facts
written by Readers Digest
In the Greek legend, Atlas was a Titan, an early Greek god, and was condemned - after the Titans were defeated by the classical gods of Olympus under Zeus - to carry the heavens on his shoulders.
Later, when he refused hospitality to the Greek hero Perseus, Perseus turned him into stone by showing him the head of the Gorgon Medusa.
His body became the Atlas Mountains, the North African mountain range.
Medieval map collections were often bound together with Atlas's image as the frontispiece, giving rise to the modern use of his name.
written by Readers Digest
In the Greek legend, Atlas was a Titan, an early Greek god, and was condemned - after the Titans were defeated by the classical gods of Olympus under Zeus - to carry the heavens on his shoulders.
Later, when he refused hospitality to the Greek hero Perseus, Perseus turned him into stone by showing him the head of the Gorgon Medusa.
His body became the Atlas Mountains, the North African mountain range.
Medieval map collections were often bound together with Atlas's image as the frontispiece, giving rise to the modern use of his name.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
special note
The information right now in this Blog is in fact segments of other books, they are the things I learned while reading other books while i was doing research for the books i'm writing.
this will go on for awhile several of the previous entries are from the Book of Facts which was published by Reader's Digest, a very good and informative book.
this will go on for awhile several of the previous entries are from the Book of Facts which was published by Reader's Digest, a very good and informative book.
How China got its name
taken for the Book Of Facts
written by Readers Digest
China, the worlds oldest surviving civilization acquired its name in the 3rd century BC. In 221, Cheng, ruler of the small state of Ch'in from which the country's modern name comes, annexed the last of six rivals kingdoms and took the title of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti, meaning "First August Emperor of Ch'in.
The Anglicised from of Chinese names has changed since the introduction in 1957 of pinyin, a new system for transliterating Chinese characters into Roman Letters.
In pinyin Cheng became Zheng, Ch'in became Qin and his title became Qin Shi Huangdi. China itself in pinyin is Zhong Guo.
written by Readers Digest
China, the worlds oldest surviving civilization acquired its name in the 3rd century BC. In 221, Cheng, ruler of the small state of Ch'in from which the country's modern name comes, annexed the last of six rivals kingdoms and took the title of Ch'in Shih Huang Ti, meaning "First August Emperor of Ch'in.
The Anglicised from of Chinese names has changed since the introduction in 1957 of pinyin, a new system for transliterating Chinese characters into Roman Letters.
In pinyin Cheng became Zheng, Ch'in became Qin and his title became Qin Shi Huangdi. China itself in pinyin is Zhong Guo.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Thanks to
Thanks to +Glendon Perkins for his patience and telling me what I need too know about blogging.
Thanks +Adrianna Joleigh for showing me what the IP address is the IP address to this blog is; tarahstarstorm.blogspot.com if I read this right anyway.
This blog is going to be used for many things, the main one being to post things I learned over the years while researching my book, it will have some things added into it from my book as well.
And while I'm on the subject thanks +J. Michael Schmidt for the poems that you said you would provide me for my books.
Thanks +Adrianna Joleigh for showing me what the IP address is the IP address to this blog is; tarahstarstorm.blogspot.com if I read this right anyway.
This blog is going to be used for many things, the main one being to post things I learned over the years while researching my book, it will have some things added into it from my book as well.
And while I'm on the subject thanks +J. Michael Schmidt for the poems that you said you would provide me for my books.
Friday, June 14, 2013
this is it this is life all the laughter all the strife from were we come to where we go and all we think we know.
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